Eight Limbs of Yoga & Yoga Philosophy

Eight Limbs of Yoga & Yoga Philosophy

w/ Miriam Hanson, E-RYT 500, YACEP

November 2024 - March 2025 — held on Saturdays
8:30 am - 5:30 pm w/ a one hour lunch break
Please choose one, two, three…or all five! These studies are designed to stand alone. You can take any without having taken the one before.

  • Study #1 Nov 23rd — Eight Limbs Overview w/Film Study

  • Study #2 Dec 7th — Surveying Samkhya Yoga

  • Study #3 Feb 8th — Enlightenment - What Holds Us Back?

  • Study #4 Feb 22nd — Subtle Body Essentials

  • Study #5 March 8th — Stringing it all together: Japa Mala

50 CEUs Total or 10 per Module*45 contact hours in-class, 5 hours homework; or 9 contact hours, 1 hour homework per module


All 5 Studies: 50 hours — $832

Individual Studies: 10 hours each — $175

Payment plans & limited scholarship support available.

scholarship info & application

Eight Limbs of Yoga & Yoga Philosophy

These studies are crafted to stand alone or be taken as a whole. We welcome you to take any number you choose!

  • Study #1 - Eight Limbs Overview w/Film Study

    Ashtanga yoga of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras provides us with a clear map to clarify the turbulence of the mind. This study will start with a refresh of the 8 Limbs with fun, interactive methods.

    Then, we will dive into the Yamas & Niyamas through a Film Study: We will watch a film together, and analyze the complicated nuanced characters through studying the ways in which the Restraints and Observances frame the choices these characters make.

  • Study #2 - Surveying Samkhya Yoga

    What is the Origin Story? Why is AUM the primordial sound?

    We will study the Samkhya Yoga Philosophy chart in depth, incorporating discussions of:

    Organs of Sense, Organs of Action, Gunas, Tattvas, Doshas and much more.

    A Scavenger Hunt will take us out of the walls of the studio and into the world as we parse the clues to these incredible teachings.

  • Study #3 - Enlightenment - What Holds us Back? Who Can Guide Us?

    Wheel of Karma



    Hindu Deities

    Select one deity to research

    Learn mantra - to be practiced and memorized and taught in Study #5

  • Study #4 - Subtle Body Essentials

    Prana and Multiple Categories of Prana

    Mudra Basics - learn Pre- & Post-Meditation Prayer Mudras of the hands

    Chakras and Dissolution

  • Study #5 - Stringing it all together as a Japa Mala

    Creating and using your own Japa Mala

    Recitation of Deity Mantras of each student

    Connecting the dots of light (Studies #1-4)


    Mudra Prayers



    Care and Attention to Cultural Appropriation of Yoga - In Conclusion

    Each student presents a prepared project based on one of the themes presented

In this training we will peel into deeper layers of Yama - Niyama - Asana - Pranayama - Pratyahara - Dharana - Dhyana - Samadhi, and include expanding your knowledge of critical yoga philosophy.

We will utilize fun, adventure, modern culture, creativity, interaction and application.

~ Learning Objectives ~

Each class will incorporate:

  • a one-hour asana that is pre-recorded to take ahead of time.

  • Pre-Quiz & Post-Quiz for marking understanding

  • A Mantra for the day

  • A selection of sutras to refer to 

  • Samskrta lesson

The studies will include:

  • Dynamic, varied teaching techniques

  • Movement

  • Lecture

  • Art/creative work

  • Group work

  • Self-reflection/journaling

  • Modern applications

  • Student teaching/leading

Meet Your Guide

Miriam Hanson, E-RYT500, YACEP (she / her)

Miriam is the Director of Yoga School Programs at Svälja Yoga. She is a lead teacher for Svälja’s House of the Gathering Yoga School, and a lead specialty trauma-conscious yoga guide.

Miriam’s journey with Yoga Scriptures began in her TT200 on the island of Roatan with Martha Berry School in 2011 with the Bhagavad Gita. This text, one of the oldest Hindu Scriptures out of the Upanishads, delivered incredible insights so immediately relevant as to captivate Miriam’s interest. She was introduced to the Yoga Sutra attributed to Patanjali through hearing Sutra 2.46 recited by teachers in yogasana class: Sthira Sukham Asanam. The sounds of the syllables and the concept of three short simple words conveying so much insight further attracted Miriam. What sealed it for Miriam was when she extensively studied the Yoga Sutra with her esteemed instructor Bhavani Maki who enlivens these scriptures into a vibrant, applicable process for Self-Realization. Miriam memorized the entire Samadhi Pada in Sanskrit as part of the completion of her 300hr Certification.

Miriam believes in the power of yoga to transform trauma and stress and lead us to freedom from suffering through daily practice of Patanjali’s Eightfold Path. She enjoys the fellowship and healing power of yoga, as well as the opportunity to nurture a loving space of breath, movement and discerning awareness.

Register for

Eight Limbs of Yoga & Yoga Philosophy

YTT Module(s) here


All 5 Studies: 50 hours — $832

Individual Studies: 10 hours each — $175

*payment plans available

This training module is part of our Advanced Teacher Training Program, +300 YTT.

Visit our +300 YTT page to learn about the program as a whole, and to view other module opportunities.